Le Crepuscule du Tonkin

“Boisfeuras s’approcha de Glatigny, toujours accroupi près du cadavre. – Sept promotions de Saint-Cyriens détruites en Indochine. C’est un peu trop, Glatigny, quand le résultat est une défaite. Il sera difficile de nous remettre de cette saignée. – Un gosse de vingt ans, une espérance et un enthousiasme de vingt ans sont morts, dit Glatigny. […]
Le crepuscule du Tonkin
– Sept promotions de Saint-Cyriens détruites en Indochine. C’est un peu trop, Glatigny, quand le résultat est une défaite. Il sera difficile de nous remettre de cette saignée. – Un gosse de vingt ans, une espérance et un enthousiasme de vingt ans sont morts, dit Glatigny. C’est un sacré capital qui vient d’être dilapidé et […]
Le silence retrouvé : une critique des réunions corporate et l’éloge de sa puissance
Les réunions ‘corporate’. Ces moments où, autour d’une table, chacun se sent contraint de parler, de dire quelque chose, de briller, de prouver qu’il existe. Je me souviens avec un certain effroi de cette époque où il fallait impérativement prendre la parole, donner son avis, formuler une remarque percutante, même si elle était creuse, simplement […]
Marie I, King of the Sedang: The fabulous tale of an adventurer turned monarch

Throughout history, certain individuals have stood out not for their birthright or military conquests, but for their sheer audacity in seizing power where none existed.
Nazi Shanghai (Part 1) The rise & fall of the third Reich in Shanghai (1933-1945)

Between 1933 and 1945, Shanghai was a unique geopolitical anomaly, a divided city with multiple foreign-controlled concessions. Within this international metropolis, the German community comprising businessmen, diplomats, Nazi party officials, and military personnel – became a key focal point for the Third Reich’s overseas ambitions.
Exploring Bangkok’s urban oases, Benjakitti & Lumpini

At 5:30 am, Benjakitti Park awakens under the soft, cool embrace of Bangkok’s early morning. For us residents this is a precious hour when the city breathes easier – its usual hustle and heat yet to set in. The air is not as hot, carrying a faint hint of dew and the scent of fresh foliage. The park’s modern design, with its elevated walkways and permaculture-inspired wetlands, invites a gentle exploration.
THAILAND, a year in review 2024 Key Events and Developments

2024 has been a year of political intrigue, economic resilience, and social challenges for Thailand. The country navigated a turbulent period, characterized by dramatic leadership changes, economic recovery efforts, and unresolved societal tensions. Below is a detailed analysis of the year’s major events and their implications.
What really happened at Nong Sarai? 1593, The battle that build a Nation

The Battle of Nong Sarai, fought in 1593 near the ancient city of Ayutthaya, is one of the most celebrated events in Thai history. It was a decisive clash between the forces of the Kingdom of Ayutthaya, under King Naresuan, and the invading armies of the Burmese Taungoo Dynasty, led by Crown Prince Mingyi Swa. For Thais, this battle is not merely a historical footnote – it is a cornerstone of the national identity and a symbol of resilience and independence. Much like Joan of Arc, Napoleon or General de Gaulle in France, Yan’an or Huaihai in Communist China or Hai Ba Trung in Vietnam, names and places that shaped a nation, “Nong Sarai” has enduring cultural and historical significance in Thailand.